Saturday, April 4, 2015

ISS and an Eclipse

We ended last night by going outside at 9:15 to watch the International Space Station cross overhead at 85 degrees.  What a site.  It was a very clear night and the stars were certainly showing all their glory.  The ISS was in view for about 5 minutes and we quickly ran back inside as it was getting cold outside and we needed to get to sleep so that we could get up in the morning for the Eclipse.  Rich set his alarm and so that it wouldn't wake me he kept waking up almost every 30 minutes.  He finnally got up about 4 and dressed quietly and went out and watched as the earth covered the noon.  He came in and woke me up around 10 minutes to 5 so that I could watch the totality of it.  It was only 22 degrees outside and I was glad that it was a 4 minute eclipse as I wanted to get back in bed and warm quickly.  The moon turned a beautiful blood red but without a tripod we couldn't get any photos so have to rely on seeing those on facebook.  But the stars were all so bright.  The Milky Way was clear, I'd not seen it for many years due to the light polution in the cities.  While we were watching the final stage of the eclipse there was a camper that was trying to hook up with a flashlight and then he turned on his car lights, what a dummy.  He probably didn't have a clue and why anyone would chose to pack up and hit the road while it is still dark is beyond me.  We also wonder when people pull in here at 10 pm and don't have a reservation and get turned away.  I think this camp ground only has about 20 sites.

Today we drove down to the Coral Dunes and watched lots of people running up and down them in ATV's.  There is also a lot of dry camping in 5th wheel toy haulers through out the desert and you can see the ATV's off in the distance going up and down trails.  Of course, that is the only form of entertainment around here that we can see.  We even packed a picnic lunch to enjoy while looking at he dunes.  Tomorrow we may drive to Boulder on Highway 12 as this is a route that we can't take in the RV even though it is on the way to Moab.  In the car it may be enough of a challenge and a white nuckel drive.

Happy Easter to all, no egg hunts for us this year.


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