Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter

I had posted this yesterday but I guess due to the iffy Wi-Fi here it never went through and I have somehow lost it.  Of course, it may turn up again and you'll hear about our Easter twice.  As I was getting ready to start our dinner I realized that I had forgotten to buy any potatoes so we did a run down into town to pick up potatoes and make some phone calls.  I am hoping that when we get to Moab that we just might have better cell service.  I ended up cooking our dinner and we ate only about an hour later than I had orginally planned.  New England Boiled dinner, not exactly Easter fare but good none the less.  We had an enjoyable day just lounging around.

Today, Monday, I am busy doing the last minute laundry to have everything clean before we leave Tuesday morning to head to Moab.  We have decided that we  will not be doing the "senic" route in the coach towning the car and of that I am very grateful.  I hate hights and sharp turns and in a large rig it makes for tough driving too.  I think that Rich is a little dissapointed but he is even thinking that we are making the right decision to only do 12 in the car driving back some ways from Moab.

Today is very windy and I am glad that we are not drivng but I believe it is to be windy tomorrow too.  It is something watching the dust devils in the parking lot swirl all around.  Maybe cooking steaks outside today isn't such a great idea after all.

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