Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Today was a slow day.  Getting up with the temps in the high 20's and cold, cold, cold.  At least we had taken the water hose off the faucet so we didn't have any freeze problems but most of our neighbors had frozen water lines and were out with hair dryers trying to unfreeze the lines.  The Aqua Hot was working overtime though and it still didn't get warm right away.  We decided to take a slow day to give Rich's knee a bit of a rest.  We did a few things around the house and after 1 drove down to Kanab for lunch.  This was at a little cafe that you wouldn't expect in a small town, everything sort of vegin and typical what I would call "uppie" food.  It was very good and a plesant surprise from the typical hamburgers and fried foods.  After lunch we went to the market and bought some steaks and the makings for New England Boiled Dinner which I will make for Easter.  Certainly not your typical ham but then nothing that we do seems to be typical.  We also have brats in the freezer and will have them sometime over the weekend too.

Tonight the space station is to go over head at 85 degrees at 9:21pm so we are going to be staying up to view that.  Not sure if we'll do that from the campground or drive someplace into the desert.  Then tomorrow morning around 4 am is the lunar eclipse.  For a 4 minute eclipse I just may stay in bed where it should still be warm.

We are planning our next move on Tuesday morning to Moab, Utah.  Rich wants to take route 12 and 24 but we are getting mixed opinions from the locals about doing it in the coach.  We might have to rethink our route so a lot of time this weekend will be spent in doing some reserch.  So far we've not been able to find out anything on the internet but we will keep looking.   We'll be spending a week in Moab doing day trips in and out of the National Parks.

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