Saturday, April 11, 2015

Guess where we are?

I'm sitting at the Airport in Salt Lake City waiting for the red eye to RI.  My mother got a GI bug that was going through the retirement home where she lives, most got over it in 24 to 48 hours.  She's been sick almost 2 weeks and not wanting to eat or drink so my brother and I decided that it was time for her to go to the ER and see what all was wrong.  This was accomplished about 11am and they have admitted her for at least overnight.  Rich thought that I really needed to go and check on things.  So here I am.  We made the decision quickly this morning, made reservations and packed up the coach and hit the road.  It was about a 5 hour drive from Moab, UT to here.  We parked the coach and looked for a place to get a bit to eat.  We found a little bar not far from the campgroun or the airport and had a sandwich.  Rich dropped me off and here I sit.  I'll have to go throug Philly and should arrivein RI around 9am.  Doubt if I'll get any sleep on the plane so it will be a long day tomorrow.  I will pick up a rental car at the airport.  There just seems to  be something wrong with this pictuce, We have two motor homes and I'm flying.  Rich plans to go to the family center in Salt Lake City.  Shouldl be an interesting day.  My son Rusty may join me for a day with my grand daughter Katelyn.  IT will be good to see them but not under the circumstances. 

Time to run. 

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