Thursday, March 26, 2015

First Blog

This is a Blog about two people that love the RVing life and both own Monaco Camelots and that have decided to travel this great country together along with Rich's Bichon Teddy.  Our travels started out really the winter of 2014 in Florida where we traveled with two other couples to various rallies and campgrounds each in our won coaches. The summer of 2014 was spent apart while Rich went to Alaska in Camelot House I and JJ went to New England, RI and Maine, in Camelot House II.  In September, 2014, JJ flew to Las Vegas to join Rich for the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. We left the Fiesta and headed east to Buford so that Rich could receive a total hip replacement.  All was successful and Rich even walked out of the hospital the same day.  We left in November in Camelot House II for Florida to spend the winter again joining up with friends that we traveled with last year.  We did the usual rallies and even spent a week in Key West.  We had one week back in Buford to transfer coaches from JJ's to Rich's to travel cross country to spend the rest of the winter.  The weather that week didn't help as we had freezing weather and snow, go figure.  We had a stop in Tuscon to spend the evening with Rich's daugher and son-in-law where they were vacationing.  We had a very nice visit.  We then went to Phoenix to spend a few days with my brother who ended up in the ER and long story short, a pace maker was implanted and he is now doing much better.  It was then time to head to Pahrump, NV where we were volunteers for the Monaco International Pre-Rally and we were busy.  We worked hard and I do think that the rally was a success.  Rich is also 1st Vice President so he had a lot more work and responsibilites than I did.  I only was in charge of crafts and they were all provided by the campground.  We stayed another week at the campground to just unwind and we will be leaving Sunday the 29th.  Rich is planning our route now, we plan to do Bryce, Canyonlands and as much as we can.  We have no time frame other than being in Shreveport, LA, the end of April for another Rally.   I hope to be able to post often and also with pictures.

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