Saturday, March 28, 2015

China Date Fame and Seafood night at the Casino

Today was a trip into California to the China Date Farm.  It is located at the sourthern end of Death Valley in what I would call a true Oasis.  We kept thinking that we knew where it must be in the distance but each time we were wrong.  It ended up being down a 7 mile gravel road that turned into a one lane road in spots while it dropped down into this private valley that was all Date Trees and catcus.  We had one of their famious date shakes and bought some date bread and cookies and a small bag of dates.  (Have to hide everything from Teddy so we need to write notes to ourselves to remind up where we have hidden treasures for later.)  On the was back to the campground we stopped at a small bar/brewery for a beer.  I had a Pale Ale that was anything but pale and Rich had a Scorpians Bite and it did have a bite.  (He didn't leave any beer in the glass though.)  This little bar is run by a couple that took it over from his father when he died and they are only there on the weekends, the rest of the time they live in Pahrump, NV.  He brews the beer and she cooks the meals.  Food smelt good but we were staying hungry for the Seafood Buffett at the Casino.  They had Snow Crab Claws and I certainly ate my fill, Rich said that the crab was going to become an endangered speices if I were around.  I probably could have eaten more if there had been crackers but there were not and that meant you really had to work at getting the crab meat out.  They also had Prime Rib Craving bar but neither of us had any of that.

We have been having some A/C problems with the van and had to take it into a small shop here in town.  Yesterday on the way back out of the desert from China Lake we noticed that it seemed to be getting hotter instead of cooler.  Guess we'll be back at the shop in the morning.

We have one more day in this area and then we head out to tour some of our National Parks in the southern part of Utah.  Themps here have been in the low 90's in the day and we are going into an area where the lows are going to be freezing again, should be interesting.  I hope that the ground is a different color as poor white Teddy is looking pretty grey from all the dirt around here.  Good thing he doesn't mind baths as he's already had two and I hope to give him one again tomorrow.

More as it happens.

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